Problem solving

One of my preferred coffee shops, Ada, has monthly puzzle problem handouts (with the answer giving a discount or whatever, as I consider the following to not be in the spirit, this a moot point). Every time I see one of these, I pick of up and while I might not figure out the answer, I like to figure out how to figure out the answer. The last time I was there, the day before my birthday, I picked up, read as bought, a little wood puzzle. This has me thinking, a good way to practice doing things is by doing them. Duh. Five thousand hours is the magic number for mastering whatever after all.
So it’s a, if my memory serves, five by five cube, with a dozen plus pieces in a couple different rectangular sizes, that all fit together.
I figure this could be brute forced. Start with an array of pieces that contains a coding for the equivalent pieces. Then add a three dimensional array for the cube itself. Starting with biggest single dimension pieces first, put them in the matrix at a given orientation. If a piece dimension orientation results in over running the cube, skip the rest of the same piece/orientation combinations. Add another piece. One more matrix of pieces and orientation in the order placed and done.
I should write this.