Progress was made

I got far enough into the den to find my carboy, so later this week is Brew Day. It also made be think though, “I need to get rid of this crap”. So a bit of a plan.

  • Desolder all the things. There’s a lot of them, and most of them aren’t needed.
  • Take the closet doors off. They’re not helping, and they take space to open. At a later point they might be replaced with a book shelf secret door. Of course, it should be obvious to anyone, but whatever.
  • Shelves in the garage. This will take a Home Despot run. Probably cheap 1×8 and brackets. I might be able to start with just brackets and use up more of my pallet junk.
  • Start getting rid of the stupid wire racks that I hate so much. Or put them in the crawlspace for deeper storage?
  • Centrally move my worktable. I want to be able to work on multiple sides. Also, putty the living daylights out of it. Come on Peter, rough cut is neat, but a pain to work on. Either putty or some other flattening option.
  • More shelves on the far wall. I think these ones will need to be custom though as I want them to house all sorts of goodness. Beer brewing. Sewing machine. Kegerator? Soldering station. Etc. Cabinet doors wouldn’t be a bad idea either. Another run or three to the Despot. I should relook at Becky Stearns’ video about they plywood shelving.
  • Window box for plants. Inside.
  • Start trimming the bulk metal from my desk. Or incorporate my desk into the sleeves and recycle the hunk of junk.
  • What’s under the carpet? Can I talk the carpet and get to work, or do I need to do a lot before it could be functional?

Safety dance

I’m drinking right now, but really this weekend I started making my stuff safer. I’m crimping connectors, adding strain relief, and strapping shit down on the printer. Later this weekend, probably tomorrow, I’ll get the Den cleaned out enough to find my carboy. This is kinda important as I have my GigaPot showing up and then it’s beer! time.

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