
So I’m actually going to do this. Starters is getting the pi-top cooking along. I want to do it on that like harder so I can know whatever I’m doing won’t be aggressively large. I want something lean. I also need to be able to do this while not watching TV. It’s a long story. Now the best of that is the pi-top, while it has a battery, can’t run in the darn thing. Whatever.

I went to start and saw I didn’t have virtualenv installed. I’m trying to be better about that. So I went to install virtualenv and then realized I should check what other Verizon’s of things I have installed. Especially as how Python 2.x is no longer going to be standard soon, I made the decision I should go to 3.x. The host I’ll probably go through is 3.6 in that regard, I had 3.5 installed. I don’t I’d have a version change it the gate, but better safe than sorry. So let’s do a full update. On a pi3 over WiFi. So I thought I’d blog while the update runs. Whatever.