Another push

When I’m left with a little alone time I tend to gravitate towards video games, which I find nothing wrong with so long as I feel like there’s nothing wrong with it. Lately though, I’m not sure if that’s the case so much. To be clear, I still have no issue with playing video games, and I still will play video games. It’s just, maybe not so much.

This is probably hand-in-hand with me deciding to start mixing in a non-fiction title with my regular dose of fiction. Again, I see no issue in whatever I choose to read, but I’m actively making myself read outside of my usual fare.

Back to video games, or not video games I guess. Last night, after the Wif went to bed, I started doing this. In this case I decided to flash an LED with a 555. I didn’t get it done working before I decided it was time for Snake to rehash the proxy wars in Central Asia. This want a failure, though it might feel like it. I found all the components I need, organized some things a wee better, and unsuccessfully hooked up an astable 555 circuit.

The thing is now I need to look at what I did and do it better. So I expect to build enough circuits that eventually I’ll master* the process? Probably not. I can make a good show if it though, and there are enough crossover points with other tasks in my life, while I might not reach mastery, I can reach for competence.

So what about tonight? Tonight I’ll start building blocks up to figure out where I went wrong.

What about a later date? It’s building blocks all the way down.