Disaster struck






We followed what appeared to be a game trail.  The snow was packed, but there were some tracks visible that had to have come from some great beast we never saw.  Jenkins, before he succumbed to exposure, noticed tribal markings placed upon camouflaged totems.  With his observation it became clear the only game that used the trail was the type on two legs.  We left the trail and tried to cut through the wilderness.  Poole and Wappler crashed through the ice and into glacial runoff.  The cannibalistic natives attacked, and while beaten back, they were able to take their own dead as well as three porters.  Night fell with the sounds of wolves howling our destruction and the pains of hunger driving reason from our mind.

Friday the 23rd



Explored deeper into the wilderness.  Snow covered everything that didn’t actively try to avoid it.  As we were surveying our surroundings, a native found us and appeared ready to attack.  As we retreated I was able to immortalize the blood-thirsty savage in this image.



Beautiful snow fall today.  We walked to the mountain.  The aliens came over the horizon.  They got out of there craft, said “too cold” and departed.  As they flew away I heard something like “yums, stale baguette”.  It was snowing.

On a bus yo

I need to work on this more often, gonna lower my goals and just tweak a layout to my liking I think.    On other notes I’m going to disable comments in a bit except a contact page it some bs.  I get a couple of comments a day which I’m sure are .just fishing for legitimicy to spam real spam later.  Spam.

Gonna go to the great white north.  Gonna take pictures, it’ll be awesome.

The difference some age can make

This time around I’m thinking of how I’ll design what I want rather than dreaming of what I want.  I have the majority of concept planned, now I just have to implement it as a proof of concept, and then recreate it with WordPress.  I actually think I’ll be happy with the result which is funny as I have no interest in other people seeing any of this.